The diode modules are available in six different sizes; 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 moa. The size of the dot is measured in minutes of angle (moa), with 1 minute of angle being equal to 1 inch @ 100 yards (approx.). Example; a 2 moa module will produce a dot that will cover 2 inches of your target @ 100 yards, a 6 moa module will cover 6 inches, and so on. When you reduce the target distance by half, you also reduce the minute of angle by half. Example; the 2 moa module will cover 1 inch @ 50 yards, the 6 moa module will cover 3 inches @ 50 yards, and so on. See the chart below to determine the size of each module at different distances.
TARGET DISTANCE (yards) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
D O T S |
C-MORE Systems red dot sights are known for having the brightest dots available, that won't "wash out" on bright, sunny days. The modules are continuously upgraded as new technology becomes available.